Jamie Oliver's Roasted Eggplant Tabbouleh sounded really good. Spiced up with cumin and cardamom, I love cardamom, with cucumber and pomegranate arils added in it was just about irresistible. So out to the garden to collect some of the finger eggplants I have growing but I was foiled as there were none that were ready to be picked and it will be a while before they are ready.
The next recipe that I had marked was Sumac Chicken with Persian Tomato Salad, I think that it was marked from when I had made it when I first bought this issue. It was wonderful then and I thought about making it again for here but I decided that it would be best to try something new rather than redoing one that I have already made before. I have also used the same marinade from the recipe on chicken and lamb with excellent results and had them with other sides.
In the end I went with Risoni with Lemon Pepper Prawns. It was okay but not outstanding however that could have been caused by the many changed that I made. I have said previously that I am not a huge fan of seafood but occasionally I do get the urge to have some thing seafoody. This normally consists of canned tuna or salmon made in to a mornay type casserole or formed into patties with some mashed potato and various other bits and pieces. More rarely I buy a few prawns and try something out. The recipe called for sugar snap peas, snow peas and snow pea sprouts. I had, of course, forgotten to write all of these down on my shopping list and I came home without them. Instead of going back down town I decided to replace the sugar snap peas and snow peas with some zucchini that desperately needed to be used. I replaced the snow pea sprouts with flat leaf parsley. Some how my calculation in reducing the recipe from serving 4 to serving 1 were not quite right either. There wasn't enough zucchini, parsley or prawns or should that be there was too much risoni. Either way the balance wasn't right. The lemon in it was nice but all in all it was a bit bland. It probably would have been better if made with either the ingredients listed or more of the stuff that I did use. To be honest I will not be making this again but it takes a lot for me to be convinced to make a seafood dish again.
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